It’s a question we get asked every year: “How much will I pay for my heating oil?” Although we hate to admit it, the honest answer is “we just don’t know.”
People throughout the U.S. have been using heating oil to heat their homes since the 1920s, but it remains a misunderstood fuel source to this day.
As up and down as the temperature has been so far in 2018, it’s a little hard to predict how much heating oil you’ll use from week to week…
When it comes to Long Island weather these days, expect the unexpected: in the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, temperatures dropped 30 degrees – and according to the latest forecasts, we’re due for a similar roller coaster ride in the coming weeks.
Have a friend who you think would enjoy our service? Then why not bring him into the Southville Petroleum family of customers and earn a $100 credit for your heating oil account?
Just like your car, your heating system needs routine care to keep it running at its best. An annual tune-up – included in the Southville Petroleum Gold Service Plan – will help you to:
Want an eco-friendly way to heat your Long Island home this fall and winter?
About 80 percent of your annual heating bill comes during the dead of winter – just in time for the holidays.
At Southvillle Petroleum, we take great pride in being able to keep our loyal Nassau and central Suffolk County customers coming back year after year. How do we do it? By always finding ways to deliver more comfort, more value and a better experience for you.