Why you should keep heating oil in your tank this summer

Well, it appears we’ve finally emerged from heating season (appropriate, considering that it’s almost June), but before you wave goodbye to your heating system for good – or at least for a few months – there are a couple of things you should do to put a bow on 2017-18.

The first, of course, is to get a heating system tune-up. Late spring and early summer are the best time to schedule routine annual heating maintenance because you won’t have to fight the crowds for a convenient appointment time. An annual once-over for your furnace or boiler and burner is a no-brainer, never-skip-a-year investment that will keep your equipment running more efficiently and reliably for years to come.

The second thing to do is to make sure your heating oil tank is at least half-full.

Here’s why: in the months between heating system uses, condensation can form inside an empty (or near empty) heating oil tank. That’s good news for the microorganisms living in your heating oil, but not so good for your heating oil tank: those microorganisms can break down your heating oil, jamming up your fuel line and burner nozzle with efficiency-robbing sediment and sludge. Condensation can also speed tank failure: since water is heavier than heating oil, it sinks to the bottom of your tank and gets to work corroding it from the inside out.

Needless to say, a failing heating oil tank is not a good thing for your property or your wallet.

The bottom line: keeping your tank at least half full during the offseason is one of the best ways to keep it healthy. Topping off your tank now could be a good way to save some money, too, since heating oil prices are often at their lowest during the offseason.

Need to top off your heating tank this summer? We can help you with an offseason heating oil delivery! And while you’re at it, why not sign up for why not sign up for our heating oil Budget Plan and set yourself up for more predictable fuel bills next winter?

Contact us today to learn more.