
What Is the Best Month to Buy Heating Oil?

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Wait for Winter for Your Fill-up Fall on central Long Island can sometimes turn into second summer, with balmy days lingering into October. Of the many benefits is that you don’t need to think about heating your home—but those last warm days can be a good chance to get those lingering lower prices on heating oil before temperatures start falling, and the price of heating oil ticks up. Of course, there are other factors that affect the price of heating oil besides the temperature. Geopolitics will affect the price of oil, as will events that put […]

On-road and Off-road Diesel Fleet Fueling

Diesel fuel for all types of vehicles If you operate a fleet of heavy-duty vehicles, you likely fuel them with diesel. And you may know that there’s two types of diesel fleet fueling options, but do you know the difference? Technically, both types of diesel are similar in chemical composition, but they have distinct differences when it comes to how they are used. Understanding these differences can help ensure compliance with laws and help you make the right choice for your equipment. Here’s what you need to know. The Clear Difference Color is one key difference between on-road and off-road […]

Is Oil Heat Still a Good Way to Heat Your Home?

Find Out Why Ultra-Low Sulfur Heating Oil Is a Clean Energy Choice There’s a lot of information and opinions about how to heat your home these days. Cost, efficiency, and the environment should all influence any choice you make. When it comes to the environment, oil heat has gotten a poor reputation, but what most people don’t know is that heating oil, like people, can change. The heating oil we deliver to homes across central long island today burns so cleanly, and produces such negligible emissions that the Federal Clean Air Act doesn’t even regulate it anymore. Over the last […]

Diesel Fuel Efficiency Tips For Your Fleet

Fleet Fueling Is just One Way to Control Fuel Costs We’ve been operating a fleet of diesel trucks for a while—delivering heating oil and fuel to customers across central Suffolk and eastern Nassau counties for 30-plus years. We know that the price of diesel fuel can been volatile, and yet it’s a nonnegotiable cost of doing business, for us and for many of our commercial customers. Fleet fueling, rather than paying retail is one smart way to help keep diesel fuel costs under control. But when so much about the cost of fuel is out of your control, it’s important […]

Is It Time for a Heating Oil Delivery?

Believe It or Not, Spring and Summer Fill-ups Are a Smart Move Here in Central Long Island, temperatures might fall low enough that you want to put on the heat some nights in May. But who thinks about heat or heating oil deliveries in June? It might seem crazy, but late spring and early summer is the perfect time for a heating oil delivery. Temperatures Rise, Prices Fall There are many factors that can make heating oil prices rise and fall, and some are unpredictable, like geopolitics. Others follow fairly regular patterns. One pricing trend you can usually count on, […]

The Different Types of Commercial Fuel

Have Questions About Commercial Diesel? We’ve Got Answers Not many passenger cars run on diesel, and most people think of it as exclusively for huge commercial trucks. And they’re right: Diesel offers more power, gasoline delivers speed. But if you operate a commercial fleet, you may have also noticed that there’s two types of commercial fuel: on-road and off-road—and one of them costs less. And, you probably want to know the difference between on- and off-road diesel, and whether you can use the lower priced version! So what’s the difference? On-road or Off-road Diesel From a chemical perspective, both types […]

Discover the Convenience of Fleet Fueling

Let Southville Show You How to Save Time and Money Whether you need to fuel delivery vans, construction vehicles or farm equipment, Southville’s fleet-fueling services give you options for saving time and money. That’s not just good for your operation, but it helps you serve your customers better. Keeping costs down helps you keep your prices steady, too—something your customers will appreciate as much as quality service. Not familiar with fleet fueling? Here’s everything you need to how about how fleet-fueling works and how it can benefit your business. Improve Efficiency One of the main benefits to fleet fueling is […]

Is It Time for a Heating Oil Delivery?

Here’s How to Make Fill-ups Easy After a roller-coaster winter like we had, with mostly mild temperatures and very little snow, punctuated by bitter cold spells, it can be hard to gauge how much fuel you might have used over the season. Do you need a heating oil delivery to get you through the home stretch of March? The number of heating oil deliveries you’d need in a winter always depend on two main factors: the size of your tank and the weather. The colder it is, the more heating oil you burn, although more efficient equipment combined with a […]

5 Ways To Improve Diesel Fuel Efficiency

Tips To Reduce Fuel Costs When you operate a commercial fleet that runs on diesel fuel—whether they’re delivery trucks or construction vehicles—you know fuel efficiency is critical when it comes to keeping fueling costs under control. Diesel fuel prices fluctuate a lot—but another benefit of practicing fuel efficiency is that it’s better for the environment. The good news is that there are some fairly easy steps you can take to help make sure you’re running your diesel fleet efficiently. 1. Regular Maintenance and Tune-ups This is a now brainer, because keeping your vehicles in good shape is not only good […]

Does Heating Oil or Electric Home Heating Cost More?

The Answer Might Surprise You! The cost of heating your home is a big part of your annual expenses. Especially in the Northeast, and here on Long Island, where we can get the brunt of raw, blustery storms sweeping up the coast. We understand how important it is to manage those costs, especially when energy prices across the board can fluctuate so much from year to year. That’s why it’s important to make decisions about how to heat your home based on heating power and efficiency, not just a price. Because while the cost of any type of fuel can […]