Thank you for your patience as we work through this extreme cold. Stay Warm!

Think Out of the (Mail) Box: Switch to Online Billing from Southville Petroleum

Change isn’t always easy – Consider how you pay your bills, for example: if you have been paying for your heating oil deliveries with monthly checks, it would be easy to keep right on doing that – even if you find yourself scrambling every month to do it and occasionally suffering for that tardiness with a late fee.

But there is a simple and more convenient way to pay the heating bill for your Nassau or Suffolk County home: Online billing from Southville Petroleum!

Switch to online bill paying from Southville Petroleum and you will enjoy:

Ready to make the switch to online bill paying with Southville? Visit our secure online payment center and fill out your account form today! If you have any questions about online bill paying, call us at 631.651.6316.