What Happens If I Skip My Heating Tune-Up?

5 Reasons Never to Skip Your Home Heating System Maintenance

Every winter season, we have several customers ask us if they really need to get a tune-up for their home heating system every year. After all, if your heating system is running well, is it really necessary? The fact of the matter is that regular maintenance is probably why your equipment isn’t giving you problems! What’s more, regular maintenance can help you save money as well.

As we head into another winter with ongoing oil price uncertainty, it pays to be sure your heating system is ready to go. And we mean that literally! Regular maintenance keeps your system running at peak efficiency. That means you’ll burn fuel more efficiently and keep heating costs down. In dollars and cents, that can add up to 10% savings on monthly heating costs.

Why Yearly Heating Maintenance?

Still on the fence about an annual tune-up? Here are 5 reasons you should never skip a tune-up.

  1. You’ll need to replace your equipment sooner. Without maintenance, old equipment will not last as long, and it will perform less efficiently. If your equipment is older, regular maintenance will extend its lifespan and keep it running more efficiently along the way. If you have a new system, an annual tune-up will protect your investment and keep it running—like new—for longer.
  2. Your system could break down. When our pros perform a comprehensive tune-up, they can catch and correct all kinds of small problems that, if left unchecked, will turn into major malfunctions that are both inconvenient and expensive.
  3. You’ll void your warranty. Most heating equipment warranties require routine professional service as a precondition. Skip your tune-up and your manufacturer’s warranty could be voided, leaving you to pay out of pocket for expenses that would have otherwise been covered.
  4. Safety issues. Tune-ups include an inspection of the heat exchanger. A cracked heat exchanger can leak deadly carbon monoxide into your home.
  5. Health issues. Regular service to your HVAC system will keep the indoor air in your home circulating and clean. Better air quality in your home will help keep your family more comfortable, especially if anyone suffers from allergies.

Nothing is more important to us than helping you stay comfortable while keeping your heating costs down. When it comes to winter preparation, a seasonal tune-up is, hands down, the best tool we offer to ensure a trouble-free season.

Contact Southville Petroleum Today About Our Gold Plan!

Ask us about our comprehensive service plan! Seasonal maintenance is included along with generous coverage of an extensive repairs list. Another great benefit of our Gold Plan is our FREE automatic delivery service. That means you never have to worry about running out of fuel—and you can take checking your tank gauge off your to-do list.

The professionals at Southville Petroleum have the expertise to care for your equipment, perform diagnostics and make repairs on a broad range of equipment, including the latest high-efficiency models. We will make sure your system is primed for everything a Long Island winter can deliver.

Contact us to schedule your tune-up today before the heart of winter truly arrives!